time flies when your havi'n 'fun'...

Monday, June 12, 2006

work, the darn shnuff!!

so yesturday i wrote this really long pretty post, but go figure- it erased. and then the compooter went mad, so we had to get it fixed. i really dont feel like repeating myself- so ill only mention a few short points.
friday night:
- not everyone has to love you.
- do not scratch mosquato bites if they dont itsch. it makes them itch.
shabbos day:
- mazal tov to Clark family on the birth of the baby girl- neomi hallel.
- mazal tof to the young russian couple.
- i didnt throw any candies.
- the poor guy on the other side of the mechitza sneezed so hard and flew off his chair. poor guy.
- the summer is hot.
- the black dude bagel didnt get thrown across the table.
- small talk. talk that is small.
- chiniese talk- you want sing song??

so... thats a very short summery of shabbos. i be dead tired.
birthday comin up in 3 days.


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