time flies when your havi'n 'fun'...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

wheel mouse????

i developed an extremely weird caugh during english class.
i cant wait to get home and take some caugh medicene.

yesturday morah gila didnt come, and since we have her for 5 out of 8 classes- we had a diffrent sub for each class...
which is good, cu'z we got a veriety of teachers to meet, and besides- i got to sit nexto brenda the whole day ;)

she didnt come today, either.
i dont know how many subs we'll have today.
choclate isnt over yet.
i feel sick, cuz when i caugh- i get a headache.

besides the fact that i have that stomach bug...

i have been having it for almost a week.
it makes me feel so sick.

this week has stretched out way too much.

im so happy next week is yom haaatzmaut!
one thing you gotta look foward too!

well, you know, you can always look foward to shabbos ;)


  • hi michal!!!
    hows it going?
    i heard you had a blog...
    hope you feel better ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:44 PM  

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